Thursday, 31 May 2012

Posters by Mieczyslaw Gorowski

I was visiting my friend's house today for the first time when I came across a very interesting poster hanging on the wall. It amazed me also to learn that the author of the poster is Polish- like myself. I was not familiar with his works before! After coming back home I have googled Mieczyslaw Gorowski and found out a whole collection of fantastic graphics by this artist who regrettably passed away last year. These posters take surrealism to a different level. Check them out yourself. Is it something you'd like to have on your wall?




Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Tetris Furniture by Pedro Machado

The first piece I would like to share with you has been recently presented during Milan Design Week in April 2012 and was designed by Lisbon-based designer Pedro Machado. It was inspired by the Tetris game, so popular in the 80-ties and 90-ties which I played it as a kid myself! By rotating falling puzzle pieces (Tetriminos) by 90 degrees and moving them sideways, a player is supposed to create a horizontal line of ten blocks without gaps. Pedro Machado has taken this idea and created a piece of furniture that allows the user to create a personalised function for himself. The furniture takes a form of a many puzzle pieces put together, which can be pulled to shape a different form each time. Two square blocks pulled  together with a flat surface on top become a table with 2 chairs, while other pieces are drawers and will be perfect for storing personal items.

I must say I like the idea of an interactive piece of furniture, something that is changeable. The furniture is also advertised as a solution for small spaces.  Not sure how well it would look in a cramped room though...

To be honest I really love that piece but I have some reservations. What happens if those Tetris pieces are pulled out daily- is the polished white MDF durable enough? Is it stable? On the images the table piece seem to be hanging out from the sideboard. If a heavy item is placed on top of it will the sideboard fall? 

There is no mention of the price anywhere online, but the furniture can be ordered through designer's website .